When the Bullet hits the Bone

When the Bullet hits the Bone

It is a bright and sunny day,
You're walking down the street,
You were warned to get out of town,
But you're too brave to retreat;
You look around,
and on a faraway rock,
You see your nemesis there,
You try to avoid confrontation,
But he thinks this isn't too fair;

You bend down trying to hide near the ground,
But he still sees your hand,
You hear a sound and try to look around,
But you're already down on the sand;
When the bullet hits the bone,
And you let out a moan,
No one comes along,
And you're thrust headlong,
Into a coma,
you're bleeding to death,
You try to stay awake but the weakness sets,
You feel drowsy,
you pass out,
Yet nobody comes to help you,
Soon you're dead and nobody cares,
Its just like when you were alive,
Albeit now it is better,
nothing on your mind,
Just trying to live for eternity;
Live life well my friend,
You wish to tell everyone,
But no one's listening 'cause they're too busy,
Leading a pointless existance for ever;
What will they do,
what will they achieve? Nothing much just a family of nine,
They will be happy or so they think,
But they sure aren't very fine;
They'll question your life,
also your death,
They'll say you died of your own very deeds,
But you know better than to listen to them,
'tis like listening to seaweed;
You lived your life,
you lived on your own,
You were a single soul,
They thought you were very lonely,
They never knew your life's goal;
You lived to know its meaning,
You lived a life for knowledge and science,
They never cared for anything much,
That didn't get them a monetary ceiling;
They say your life was futile,
They say you wasted every bit of it,
They say you were somewhat senile,
That you were a maverick who just didn't get it;
They say you died and left no material behind,
They say you failed miserably,
They say you never succeded within their mind,
And that you were an idiot to try and be a genius;
Do you care for what they say? Do you give a bats wing for what they feel? You're a maverick genius of sorts,
Then before them,
should you kneel? Do you feel you need their respect? 'cause you never yearned for it before,
Getting applause,
did you ever expect? Were you trying to be a 'pseudo-whore'? You did what you had to,
Whatever gave you knowledge,
You didn't even look when the flesh were flaunted,
All your life you never 'sat' on a 'hedge';
Then why,
I ask you,
Do you feel sad now? Is it because life were too short,
And you didn't do all that you wanted to?

(c) 2001, Shaunak Agarkhedkar.
Comments to shaunak@gmx.net